
Survival Blog

Fieldcraft Survival Lifestyle, Guides and More.


Hunting Season is Year Round

Hunting Season is Year Round

Posted by Kevin Estela on May 31st 2024

Hunting Season is Year RoundAt the time of writing this, it has been almost 3 months since the official end of the rifle deer hunting season here in NC. For some, hunting season is “over” but for the avid folks out there, hunting is year-round. This concept is one Gerry Young and I taught at the hun …
Texas Ice In 2023

Texas Ice In 2023

Posted by Kevin Estela on Mar 1st 2023

I received an invitation to hunt axis deer and aoudad sheep in Texas at the end of last year. The trip was on my bucket list for a while and when the opportunity presented itself to cross it off in January/February 2023, I couldn’t resist. A friend from high school relocated to Texas over 2 decades …
Desert Mule Deer: Plans of Action

Desert Mule Deer: Plans of Action

Posted by Drew Kress on Jan 21st 2019

After a long season of hunting in Alaska I journey south to the desert to attempt one of the more challenging hunts in North America, High Desert archery mule deer. Mule deer are very skittish animals, they have great hearing and even better eyesight. Even during the rut (Animals Breeding Season) it …
My First Deer

My First Deer

Jan 7th 2019

It was too early and cold for the first day of gun season in Ohio, but the excitement to get into the woods that morning outweighed the cold and lack of sleep. My brother and I were in our early teens and this was our first big hunt. My mom cooked us a good breakfast and took pictures of us before …